Blog Articles

Blog post
G99 Grid Compliance Studies

The G99 Grid Code plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth connection of electrical assets to the UK’s electricity [...]

Blog post
Understanding EMT vs. RMS Simulations in Electrical Power Systems

Across the UK, a seismic shift is underway as companies, driven by renewable energy sources such as wind, solar photovoltaics [...]

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The Role of an Earthing System Audit for Electrical Installations

Earthing systems are vital components in electrical installations across various settings that ensure the safety of people, property, and equipment. [...]

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Paving the Way to Net Zero with Battery Energy Storage Systems

The UK is taking great strides towards achieving net zero carbon emissions. There has been a remarkable surge in renewable [...]

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Delving into Transformer Inrush Current and Energisation Studies

Transformers are essential components within power systems, and they play a pivotal role in adjusting voltage levels for the efficient [...]

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The Importance of Load Flow Analysis for Renewable Energy Integration

With a growing demand for sustainable energy solutions, renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are becoming increasingly [...]

Blog post
Preventing Grid Overload: The Role of Battery Energy Storage Systems

As the UK rapidly adopts clean energy to reach ambitious decarbonisation targets, managing grid stability emerges as a significant roadblock. [...]

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Best Software to Carry Out Grid Code Compliance in 2023

With the increasing integration of renewable energy sources into power systems, frequency and voltage control have become critical to maintaining [...]

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What To Consider When Connecting Renewable Technology To The Grid

As the UK moves towards a greener and more sustainable future, more and more renewable energy sources are being connected [...]

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Key Points You Need to Know About Solar Grid Integration

As concern about the fragility of the environment soars, energy firms across the world are investing in renewable energy sources [...]

Blog post
Why Earth Potential Rise Studies Should Not Be Forgotten During the Earthing Design Process

Earth Potential Rise (EPR) occurs when large amounts of electricity are absorbed into the ground. Natural phenomena like lightning strikes [...]

Blog post
Can the Power Grid Handle the Rise In Electrical Vehicles?

Although many vehicle owners were initially sceptical about the practicality of electric vehicles (EVs), newly released statistics reveal that EVs [...]

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Given the tight deadlines and budget restraints, the level of service Engineering Power Solutions provided was outstanding. The offshore UPS consolidation project was engineered and designed to the platform’s requirements and offshore standards minimising platform shutdowns.

Mr Low – Petrofac Oil&Gas